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(First Lady)


Since we have been called into the Kingdom of God to work as servants and maidservants to administer the word of God to the world, I seriously took the call as representative on this planet and held onto His word which say’s; Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He said not, and to seeds, as of many; but as of one, and to thy seed, which is Christ-Galatians 3:16.  This shows the new covenant we have with God through Jesus Christ.

Therefore I’m a representative of Christ to reconciling the world to Himself in Christ——. We have the ministry of reconciliation and we have been committed with the message of reconciliation-2 Corinthians 5:18-19.


Who Best Represents me in the Bible?


Esther has been a great woman of God who stood to redeem the people of Israel from the plans and hand of the enemy used by Haman; and since I’m called by God to deliver the world from darkness and having the ministry with my husband, I can say Esther represents me in the bible. “Esther said, And if I perish I perish. Esther was full of Faith and a brave woman of God.


What are my Passions?

I am passionate of seeing the kingdom of God growing and the growth of believers. Passionate to see souls won into the kingdom of God and not only that but being rooted and build up in Christ, strengthened in the Faith as were thought and overflowing with thankfulness according the of God in Colossians 2:7. I have Passion for God, and Obeying His word is my joy in response to Christ’s love as it says in John 15:9-11.


My Testimony


My greatest testimony is seeing myself as a Child of who was a sinner and being transformed by the power of His Spirit and doing and represent Him on earth by reaching the word to the world. And another testimony I like to share to world is my husband who’s now a Senior Pastor of our Ministry who God used me to convert him into Christ and which has confirmed the ministry God has given to us as ministry of reconciliation. All these things did not happened in a moment but I started seeking for God since 27 years now.

Crawley Assemblies of God International Church (CAOGIC) is a Christian Ministry devoted to preaching CHRIST. We are passionate about the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST who came, so that all may find life through his BLOOD!

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