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We Believe

About us

Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) is the only way to the Father


Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) is GOD


Jesus’s (Yeshua’s) BLOOD cleanses sinners from sin


Jesus (Yeshua) is the promised MESSIAH to Israel, first for the Jew then for the gentile


We believe in the Father (Elohim) as the Great “I AM”.


We believe in the Holy Spirit, the wonderful Comforter and the One who leads us into all truth.


We believe and expect that Jesus (Yeshua) is coming again and we are fore runners of His WORD just as John the Baptist was a

fore runner. REPENT for the KINGDOM of heaven is at hand.


We believe in the CROSS, it is the road to repentance and rebirth in spirit. By the power of the sacrifice of Jesus (Yeshua’s) blood. Every man must be a new creature in CHRIST


We believe it is impossible to continue sinning and be a follower of CHRIST


We believe in ADULT water baptism, which is compulsory to see the kingdom of heaven.


We believe in keeping God’s commandments as outlined in Exodus 20.


We believe that God is the same yesterday today and forever more and His word shall always stand.


We believe that every believer must be discipled in scripture and study to show themselves approved by working out their own salvation in the scriptures and not depending on man.


We believe in exposing the darkness by shining the light, everything must be compared to the standards of scriptures.

Crawley Assemblies of God International Church (CAOGIC) is a Christian Ministry devoted to preaching CHRIST. We are passionate about the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST who came, so that all may find life through his BLOOD!

Find answers, send a request for Prayer, join our Prison Ministry, support our Orphanages, visit our Online Shop and much more.
JESUS CHRIST is the Alpha and Omega!
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Registered UK Charity No. 1142820
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